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Press Relations: AP Enviro Story Written by Spouse of Kerry Enviro Advisor

Did you catch this article on the AP wire? We just saw it on the front page of Google News. The by-line caught our eye, as we seemed to recall some controversy surrounding the bias of this reporter, Jennifer Loven. One quick Google search later, sure enough we turned up this gem. We are big PowerLine fans and recalled they had first identified this story way back in 2004.

Turns out, Loven's husband runs a lefty environmental group and was an adviser to both Bill Clinton and John Kerry's Presidential campaigns. He is also a pretty hefty contributor to Democrat causes. Just go to this FEC site and type in his name, Roger Ballentine (last name first), and you can see for yourself. Wouldn't AP want someone who has at least the patina of fairness to write this story? When you read it, you'll see it tilts to the left, not surprisingly.

You can drop AP a note by clicking here, tell 'em to try to find reporters whose spouses aren't advising past or current Presidential candidates, and whose partisanship isn't so blatant.


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Jennifer loven is divorced. They were divorced last year.

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